Politics versus Pate: Arnold Must Decide

The California Conundrum The California Assembly and Senate passed S.B. 1520 – sponsored by Senate president John Burton (D-San Francisco) – to ban California fois gras by 2012, and to prohibit the sale of the products. Animal advocates have long argued that the production of pate de foie gras...

Losing Weight Like You Eat Your Ice Cream

“Life is like a box of chocolates,” drawled Forrest Gump. Metaphors are great. Writers use them all the time because, simply put, they get your attention and really drive a point home. That’s because life and a box of chocolates have as much in common as French Toast for...

Urban Sprawl is unhealthy

Urban sprawl leads to fat sprawl. Feel like you’re own fat is sprawling out of control? There may be a link between your belly bulge and urban sprawl. Read the whole story....

Tempest in a tea cup, Wisdom in a sake cup

What an oxymoron the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has turned out to be. This vegan organization has one colossal ax to grind with their archrival, Darth Atkins. This is an old score that they’ve unfairly flung in front of the public before, all in the effort to squash...

Surviving September

With summer completed and school back in session, it’ll be time to settle back into another fall routine. And, even though the flexible schedules of summer have gone, this is actually a very good thing for your weight and health. In the summer, schedules can be hectic, haphazard, jumbled....

A Martian Anthropologist Takes A Look At Our Food

A Martian Anthropologist Takes A Look At Our Food We go to the store and turn on the television to be confronted by the most amazing shades of neon, and a circus of novelty products – all of which are sold in the food section of every local grocery...

Beer, Chocolate, and Other Forbidden Health Foods

Beer, Chocolate, and Other Forbidden Health Foods What if someone discovered a substance that “significantly inhibited arteriosclerosis”? You might expect that it would soon be advised as a treatment. Furthermore, what if this same substance had “antioxidant quality clearly superior to that of vitamin antioxidants and to that of...

Sound-bite Science

Sound-bite Science “The Carb-Cancer Link”! Now there’s a headline that gets your attention, and so does a recent study published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. This article was used to confirm our newest darling diet fad, by stating that those carbs really are bad and can even cause...

Legal Deference Is Bad Medicine

FDA legal deference is bad medicine Janssen Pharmaceutica Products never hid damaging results, they “minimized potentially fatal safety risks and made misleading claims about the drug,” according to a recent report in the New York Times. The product in question, Risperdal, is given to more than 10 million people...


The USDA just released a great study showing the top 20 food sources of anti-oxidants.   The majority of these were on the “to be avoided” list for low carb diets.   The point is that there are a million ways to lose weight, and not all of them...

Welcome to our Blog!!

Hello everyone!!   We have a new space for us to think out loud together, rant and rave (with taste!), and give your thoughts on good food and good health.   So reply to these blog lines and keep the conversation going!   Will    ...