Laughter and Connection

Remember “Esperanto”? No worries, nobody else does either. This was supposed to be a universal 2nd language for planet Earth, created to tie us all together. How do you say “face-plant” in Esperanto? Fortunately for us, we already have a universal form of communication that extends across all languages,...

The Mindful Challenge: Take a Brain Break

Take this challenge with me this week. Stop doing everything, nonstop, being the uber-productive whirlwind that you are. Just practice this for a period of time this week, let’s say we do it for 30 minutes. Sit, watch the snow, clear your head, and just give it a beat....

Self Care IS Health Care

Always start with you. Take care of yourself so you can take care of others. You are 100% worth it. If there is someone who could really use this Mindful message, pls SHARE....

Jamaican style spicy slaw

Health authorities always tells us to eat fruits and veggies, and especially cruciform vegetables like broccoli, Brussels, and cabbage. It’s not always easy to get all those veggies in all the time. And sometimes we can feel like we just need other ways to prepare them so we’re not...

Caribbean style Jerk Chicken

If you’ve never made a Caribbean style jerk chicken, but have only seen it, smelled the aroma, or had some in a restaurant, this dish can seem magical! How in the world did they get those amazing flavors all over that chicken!? But for all the subtle sweet spiciness...

Pasta Primavera

This classic Italian dish is perfect for the spring and summer as all the fresh produce comes in, a bounty of goodness that you fold into delicious pasta.  When you “play with your food”, realize that your choice of veg it totally up to you, your tastes, and what...

Best Hummus Ever

There is seriously a problem with this hummus. Once you make it and taste what full-on amazing hummus tastes like, you’ll be ruined for every other grocery store version! The other thing to note about this recipe is to 100% “play with your food”. The amount of lemon, or...

Asian Veggie Stir Fry

Think of this Asian stir fry as a base that you can build off of. It is delicious on its own, but I fully expect you to juggle the ingredients around and make this your own.  For example, look at those vegetables in the list and decide if you...

Beans and Greens

You know what’s an amazingly healthy food? White beans.  You know what’s another amazingly healthy food? Greens. So add these up and you a turbo booster mega dose of healthiness! Plus, the deliciousness factor here is through the roof … you’re welcome!     You’ll Need 4 large garlic...

The Space Between Stimulus and Response

Love this quote. Oddly enough, it’s also a principle of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, to regain control over your choices. That way, even the annoying stimuli in your life lead to responses that actually benefit you … and you start running your own show, rather than just responding reflexively. “in...

Cajun Red Beans and Rice

When you think about Loooozianna, the mind doesn’t just reflexively think, ”oh yeah, that’s the land of healthy foods.” But one of the classic staples of Cajun cuisine features the highest anti-oxidant foods you can fine – red beans. If you have to take your antioxidant multi-vitamin, you might...

Mission Impossible Asparagus

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make this crazy good side dish for you and your family. When you do, you’ll discover how easy it is to throw together.   But then, part two of your stealthy mission will be to do the impossible and...