Surprised by this result? I don’t think we are.

What do you think would happen — you know, hypothetically speaking — if someone created a product that was basically a delivery device for an addictive drug. First of all everyone would freak out because it would be so ridiculous to even suggest that you could put something like...

From Knowing To Doing

We know this: “Eat right and exercise”. But with our staggering weight and health problems, it’s clear that there’s a missing piece between knowing and doing. This study looked at diabetics and basically asked the question … “Does More Knowing Lead To More Doing?” In other words, if you have...

The Cost Savings of Eating Well

I’m not talking about the cost of your Cheez Whiz Corn Dog fix, your soda splurge, or Five For Five Meal Deal. This meta analysis of 330 studies correlated diet with it’s related economic consequences. The variables were CVD costs as a function of the consumption of salt/sodium, fruit...

If You Love Nuts Be Happy, Because Nuts Love Your Heart Right Back

This study points out that regular nut consumption reduces cardiovascular disease risk, partly from improvements to dietary quality.  And the nutrients that are increased when you eat them (particularly, in this case, hazelnuts) include fiber, protein, total fat, MUFA, PUFA, potassium, folate, and vitamin E. This may be because nuts...

New Wine In Old Bottles

I read the title of this study: “Anti-inflammatory activity of natural stilbenoids”.  Oooh, neat. Natural Stilbenoids!! A new term!!  I don’t know what a stilbenoid even is, much less a “natural” one. Does that mean there are UNnatural stilbenoids? SUPERnatural stilbenoids? And, these natural guys are apparently anti-inflammatory, which means...

Want to Live Longer? Go Fish!

In a massive Meta-analysis — a study of studies — involving over 1 Million people, researchers concluded. “Current meta-analysis indicates that both fish and … PUFA consumption are inversely associated with risk of all-cause mortality.” In other words, when fish consumption goes up, risk of death goes down. Wow....

Cold versus Hot? It Matters Not.

Cold brew coffee—made by steeping coffee grounds in cold water for typically an entire day—is just as healthy as regular coffee, according to nutrition expert Frank Hu of Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. The health benefits associated with coffee drinking—decreased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, neurodegenerative disease, and...

Be a Grill Master Not a Grill Disaster

This Independence Day, Do NOT Feel The Burn Independence Day is iconic and ironic. When we’re not doing healthy things like playing softball, having a family picnic, or watching fireworks with family, we’re probably overdoing the inevitable afternoon grillapolooza. ‘Tis the season to fire up the Barbie, throw on...

All About Sun, Vitamin D, and Protection

(from Deborah Kotz, US News and World Report) Coinciding with the first week of summer, a study published today underscores the importance of getting adequate amounts of sunlight for its vitamin D-boosting benefits. The research, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, shows that those with the lowest vitamin...