Med Diet not just for prevention, beats low fat diet on treatment
We’ve known for a long time that the Mediterranean diet is good for prevention, to prevent problems like diabetes … and high blood pressure … and heart disease … and Metabolic syndrome … and boring tasteless food … from happening to you in the first place. Follow @willclower But this...
Stevia and The Tooth
Stevia comes from a South American plant (Stevia rebaudiana) that happens to be very very sweet, but doesn’t contain calories or nutritive value. It’s like a natural form of the synthetic versions found in the wedding mint colored packets (powder blue, sunshine yellow, and It’s-A-Girl pink) in any coffee...
On sugar, synthetic sugars, and metabolic derangement
I just presented yesterday for a large company’s health fair, and during both of my presentations the same question came up. What about sugar? After all, we know Americans eat about 140 POUNDS of sugar per person per year. I don’t eat a lot myself, so some of you...
Easy Parmesan Chicken
This recipe was shared with us to share with you by Bill at Keystone Oaks School District. Just a few ingredients is all you need to have a delicious main dish. Thanks Bill! You’ll Need: ½ cup chopped onion 3 cloves of garlic 2-3 small cubed tomatoes sm. amt. basil...
Curried Couscous
There are so many nutritious and delicious grains out there and many are so easy to cook. Ever try couscous? Try this wonderful recipe that incorporates this really ancient and healthy grain today. What you Need 2 ½ c uncooked couscous 1 tbsp olive oil 1 c. hot water...
Horseradish Chicken
Try something new with chicken this week. The horseradish adds the perfect twist and works wonderfully with the white wine. You’ll Need: 1/2 cup white wine 8 chicken breasts (3 ounces each) 1 Tablespoons vegetable oil 2 Tablespoons prepared horseradish 1 ¼ teaspoons mustard seed ½ teaspoon onion powder...
Crab Cakes
Crab cakes are a favorite of many. And the bonus is they are such an easy food to make. Get creative and change up the spices and herbs as you see fit. You’ll need 1 egg 1 teaspoon mustard 1 Tablespoon, freshly squeezed lemon juice 6 Tablespoons olive...
Caramel Sauce
This sauce can dress up many desserts and works wonderfully with sliced apples. So forgo the fake apple dip in the stores. And make your own to complement this delightful fall fruit. Yields approximately 1 1/2 cups You’ll Need 2 egg yolks, beaten ½ cup packed brown sugar...
Artichoke Bisque
As the seasons start to change and we move into fall hearty soups and bisques are the perfect meal. Try this unique bisque. That’s right artichokes are not just for salads and dips anymore. You’ll Need: 8 tbsp flour 16 oz. butter 6 c. beef stock 2 ribs...
Mexican Mole Sauce
Chocolate is an amazing thing. And when we think of this delicious, super healthy “super food”, we normally conjure up images of sweets, desserts, and flat out indulgence. I love this recipe for a number of reasons … the least of which is the fact that...
Article: creative ideas for preparing oatmeal
13 ways to make Savory Oatmeal. Sent from my iPhone...
Grilled Italian Peppers with Mozzarella and Basil Pesto Sauce
Submitted by Linda B. at Westinghouse. Thank you Linda B.! This is a great summer appetizer using many of the things you can grow in your garden. You’ll Need: 12 fresh Italian Peppers (i.e. Corno di toro rosso) Long yellow type peppers 2 Balls Buffalo Mozzarella 10 Leaves Fresh...