Does Chinese Food Make You Fat?
Sorry, but that’s a trick question. It’s not the Chinese food per se, but something they put IN the Chinese food that’s packing on your poundage. The flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate (MSG), most often associated with Chinese food and after-dinner headaches, may also be expanding your horizons (for your waistline, anyway),...
Really Expensive Pee For Pregnant Women
Actually, these supplements are worse than just being no more than expensive pee. In this case, it makes the problem even worse!!What HappenedPregnant women were coached to take high doses of vitamins C and E to lower their risk of developing a pregnancy complication marked by high blood pressure. What...
Who’s responsible for nutrition? Nearly half say food makers
Nearly half of people hold food manufacturers and processors responsible, according to a new survey. Really? You mean the people who make Twinkies are responsible for making sure they are nutritious? You mean the people who pour out 600 calories of sugar in a Venti, Bucket-o-Caramel Macchiato are responsible...
Synthetic sweeteners affect satiety: Study
We are told that synthetics, such as these sweeteners, give you sweetness in your food, but nothing else. It turns out that, surprise, there is more going on that was first thought. In fact, your very perception of satiety, or fullness. Just add this to the list of “unintended...
With Obesity, We Have A PR Problem (Personal Responsibility, that is)
From Reuters: Scientists have found that a gene linked to diabetes and cholesterol is a “master switch” that controls other genes found in fat in the body, and say it should help in the search for treatments for obesity-related diseases.From Will:Common sense has discovered that obesity is self-inflicted, and...
What? Eating less salt DOESNT cut heart risks?
Every time you think you know something in nutrition … the rug gets pulled out from under you. Eggs, no eggs; margarine, no margarine; nuts, no nuts; and on and on. And now, this study insists that higher salt consumption doesn’t drive up your blood pressure! Even worse, the people...
More Good News For Coffee
Coffee has had an amazing comeback over the past few decades. We used to think it was terrible for you, caused cancer, and generally caused bodily havoc. Well, no more. It is a raging health food. This Reuters article, below, suggests that coffee doesn’t contribute to high blood pressure...
Strawberry Sauce
Fruit sauces are so easy to make from fresh and frozen fruit and this can help on cost too. You’ll Need 28 to 32 ounces of frozen ¼ cup sugar Directions Thaw strawberries in a pot. (some excess water will remain in the pot from the strawberries thawing.)...
Extra weight making you crazy? That’s truer than you think: Reuters
Carrying around extra pounds during middle age was associated with a higher risk of dementia later in life in a new study that followed twins in Sweden for 30 years. This wasn’t a subtle effect either. Being overweight increased the likelihood of later life dementia by about 80%. Dr. Weili Xu,...
Creole Salad Dressing
Submitted by Sue at HHM. Thank you Sue! You’ll Need 1 small onion 1 clove garlic 1 C. olive oil 1 1/2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce 6 T. Creole mustard (stone ground) 1 tsp. salt 2 to 3 dashes of Tabasco sauce 1 T. cold water Vinegar (enough to make...
Amazing Shrimp Diablo Recipe
This was an amazing recipe. I put this together from a number of recipes on line, and now my mouth wants it. Waaaants it!! So I want to share it with you, so that you can be similarly afflicted, and addicted to this recipe. You’ll Need: 1/2 cup onion,...
Don’t Forget To Remember The New Alzheimers Definitions: CNN
3 stages of Alzheimer’s disease introduced: CNN Alzheimer’s disease begins long before family and friends notice differences in the patient’s memory and behavior, doctors who treat the condition said Monday. By the time an official diagnosis is made, the person’s function is usually significantly impaired and treatment rarely helps....