Worried About Japan Food Radiation? Don’t Eat The Chrysanthemums!

I read the Reuters headline in shock: WHO warns of “serious” food radiation in disaster-hit Japan This is a level-headed news source, not prone to the kind of deceptive sensationalism you see on other outlets that over-hype everything (Huffington Post is an unfortunate one).  But in this case, about...

Mayo Clinic Weighs in on the Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet has been in the news a lot lately, and now our mainstream health stake-holders are weighing in on the plan. Below is a brief summary put together by this group.  Bottom line?  The Mediterranean diet is a heart-healthy eating plan combining elements of Mediterranean-style cooking. Here’s...

How To Re-Charge Your Brain To Learn Better

What kind of activity is BEST, for recharging your brain?  According to a new study, your brain’s batteries get juiced back up during the light, dreamless slumber that accounts for up to half of your night’s sleep. Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley conducted tests on 44 healthy...

Mediterranean Diet Lowers Risk of Heart Disease and Diabetes

Try the “blood type” theory or the “low carb” theory or the “eat every three hours” theory or the “food combining” theory … and hope hope hope that it will turn out to work! Good luck with that. Alternatively, you could just do what healthy people do. If you do...

Radio Show Notes: Making Polenta w amazing recipe

I love polenta … in writing this article, I noticed that the word ‘polenta’ wasn’t even in my spell-checker!! How can that BE?  To listen to this conversation live, click here. Show time is Saturday, 12-1pm EST, call in to chat with me: 412.333.1360 Polenta is awesome, dirt-simple to make...

Want high blood pressure? Here’s what to drink.

Just when you thought it was safe. Just when you thought it was easy to understand how to prevent high blood pressure and the pesky brain haemorrhage that can follow from it.  Just cut out salt, right?  Well, now scientists have linked drinking sugary drinks like fizzy cola and fruit drinks...

Welch’s lied about juice claims. A math error?

See where it says “100% Juice”. It seems as though there was in fact a math error. This is said best by Ily Goyanes at the Miami New Times Food Blog … so I’ll let him tell the story. ______________Welch’s, known for its juices and commercials featuring adorable gap toothed kids,...

Is Love Better for Men’s Health Or Women’s?

This story from Health.com is interesting. It starts out by asking whether marriage is good for your health … but ends up deciding that it’s not marriage at all.  It’s love.  What’s also funny is how “relationship” affects men and women differently … wonder why THAT is. I mean,...