Tag: artificial sweetener

Synthetic sweeteners affect satiety: Study

We are told that synthetics, such as these sweeteners, give you sweetness in your food, but nothing else.  It turns out that, surprise, there is more going on that was first thought. In fact, your very perception of satiety, or fullness.  Just add this to the list of “unintended...

What Synthetic Sweeteners Do In Your Brain

This great article was just released in the L.A. Times reporting on Brain Scans taken while people taste either normal sugar or a number of synthetic sweeteners. Here’s the bottom line: You may taste it (subjectively) as sweet, but your brain doesn’t take it (objectively) the same way. If...

Stevia the Holy Grail of Sweeteners?

Yes, Stevia is derived from a plant, but so was ephedra (ma huang) — which contributed to heart valve problems. Yes it is GRAS (generally recognized as safe), but so is Aspartame. This article comes from a very food industry perspective. And, for them, Stevia may really be the...

‘Halloween diarrhea’: Medical Mystery Solved

This research looks at the Tricks that certain Treats can cause for us after Halloween. According to this report, patients with severe diarrhea and flatulence may need to consider a particular “food” source. The laxative effect of the sorbitol sweetener can be dangerous, particularly if these artificial sweeteners are...

On Your Mark, Get Set, Stevia!

Here it comes, the next new thing. Stevia has been locked out of the U.S. sweetener market but, perhaps in a battle of the titans, the soda industry has opened a path for its entry. Over the next few days, I’ll be highlighting the science, nutritional and political, behind...