Tag: inflammation

What Is Inflammation?

Learn what inflammation actually is: both the good and the bad. And once you learn this, what can you do about it??...

Chocolate Countdown, Number 5 Reason To Eat Chocolate That You Never Saw Coming

Because it’s such a pain … reliever.Follow @willclower You love chocolate, and it totally loves you back. Its cocoa creates a birthday party in your brain, with neuroactive agents to boost endorphin levels (natural opiates), stimulate your brain’s cannabis receptors, light up the brain’s pleasure centers, increase serotonin levels,...

Ask Will: Dissing Dairy

Dear Will, Our son and daughter-in-law have informed us that based upon advice of co-workers in the medical profession, they will give our grandson almond milk rather than regular milk once he’s off formula.  I may be old school, but I’ve never heard of such a thing unless a child...