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We’re so distractible. Like the dog in that movie, UP, who couldn’t finish a sentence without seeing a squirrel out of the corner of his eye and yapping it out.

We are like that with technology in Wellness, like when the newest new thing comes out that can tell your weight, beam it up to the Starship Enterprise, alert your app with a *bling*, download that intel to your local Whole Foods to buy the groceries and deliver the box of pre-chopped veg for your Chicken Azteca flown in on an Amazon Drone for your OK-Google cyborg diet-nanny to prepare.


And this makes you want to really really argue to your VP of finance that you really really need this most awesomest of wellness programs. I mean, look at their GoToMeeting Demo! It’s got lights, it goes bling, beaming data, insta-meal plans and whatnot … and drones!

But by definition, approaches that will be most used by most people most often are those that most of them have access to already. In other words, the newest new technology needs to overcome its largest hurdle — whether employee CAN use it (because it is so new), or whether they WANT to use it (because it is so new).

And the better news for Joe Finance is that tried and true boring methods, because they’re well worn, are also often the more affordable anyway: win win!

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