We updated our logo. Seems like no big deal, but for us this change represents a huge shift in thinking for Mediterranean Wellness. The change for us is transformative, but couldn’t happen without taking our selves, and my self, out of the way.
I started this company by applying the principles of Mediterranean Wellness to a corporate environment. This was the work I produced through publications on the topic and were delivered for the employees of our clients.
But because we were promoting the Mediterranean lifestyle long before it had become widely accepted on its own, evaluations of our product were often judgments on my approach and whether the listener/viewer believed me personally. For this reason, our look and feel included the willclower component throughout.
But the ideal goal all along had been to transform health through Mediterranean Wellness, not to promote a personality brand. The principles we promote stand on their own independent of the person delivering the message.
But over time the Mediterranean dietary approach became well accepted and we were able to transition the willclower element out completely and emphasize the principles of a healthy lifestyle. This welcome pivot allowed us to update the logo again to reflect our original intent – a focus on the Mediterranean principles of healthy living.
Then an important change happened. We improved the delivery model to provide content for clients with many site locations, across any number of their sites. And just as we scaled to deliver to all sites within a company, we were then able to provide our programming for all companies associated with large parent organizations.
Finally, we removed ourselves from the equation. The content, customer service, and customizations are still ours, but completely white labeled for each client to have their own look/feel, not ours. In addition to the content, the program delivery is set up for each of these clients, down to the URL itself. Our web address from the beginning has been www.willclower.com. Now we are giving our groups whatever URL they like.
Where does that put us?
First, I am gratefully removed from the center of things, and focused on sustaining the quality of content and flexible creativity of delivery as we have always done. I think of it as being analogous to the “Intel Inside” logo. Their chip is the engine that makes the machines work. As such, they are committed to being the standard, and so are we.
So we created the logo to match the ideal, Made By MedWell, with our same olive at the core. We remain 100% committed to being the standard for organizations. It’s our aspiration and intention that when you see Made By Medwell, you understand that this has the highest quality standards – of content, delivery, and customization.
The new logo is our statement that creating the standard is not just what we do and what we deliver, it’s who we are.