Top 5 Ways Travel Can Make You Sick (and how to prevent it)
Travel is supposed to be relaxing, but all too often it can make you (literally) ill. Below are the top 5 causes to illness when you’re on the road – and what you can do to help prevent it.
Now What? Before you ever leave, just make sure you’re up to date on your flu shots, and bring common medicines like ibuprophen, etc., because you may or may not be able to find those medications if you’re traveling overseas. Finally, bring a little squirt of hand sanitizer with you when you’re in the station or terminal waiting on your ride.
3. Careful About The Water
Now What? Go back to the CDC again. They have resources that can show you which water is safe to drink from at your destination. If it’s not, stick to bottled water. That said, if you end up getting sick while traveling, monitor your symptoms closely. Diarrhea may be very harmful, for dehydration but also if you get blood in your stool, or develop a fever, seek medical attention right away.
4. Stick to your medication schedule
Now What? Physical and mental stress can happen any time at all. If you’re prepared for it — or even if you just recognize it for what it is — it becomes easier to manage in flight (so to speak, lol). Understanding that travel-related stressors can happen can help you get past it, hopefully, before you get to your desitnation.
This post is adapted from this article.