Proof of a Mind-Gut Connection?
This article from the Harvard School of Public Health is pretty amazing actually. We know that the human gut microbiome has a significant impact on our health. But not just our physical health, our mental and emotional health too!
This research took this new understanding a step further by looking at PTSD, which is a “fear-based mental health disorder” that develops in some individuals who experience disturbing or horrifying situations.
They found that participants who adhered to a Mediterranean diet experienced decreased PTSD symptoms.
This is such an important finding, because the burden of PTSD often extends beyond the individual; family members, the health care industry, and society are also affected by it. Plus, those with PTSD have an increased risk of developing chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, and premature death.
So understanding the role of diet and the microbiome could help improve recommendations and outcomes for patients with PTSD.
According to the authors of this study (published in Nature Mental Health), “we examined how factors, like diet, are associated with PTSD symptoms. While further research is needed, we are closer to being able to provide dietary recommendations for PTSD prevention or amelioration.”
The team collected data from 191 participants and put them in one of three groups: probable PTSD, exposed to trauma but no PTSD, and no trauma exposure. The team assessed their gut microbiome for each group, as well as their dietary habits. They found that participants who adhered to a Mediterranean diet experienced fewer PTSD symptoms. In particular, they found that the consumption of red and processed was positively associated with PTSD symptoms, while the consumption of plant-based foods was negatively associated with PTSD symptoms.
Finally, they demonstrated that healthy gut bacteria were positively associated with adherence to the Mediterranean diet.
“It’s exciting that our results imply that the Mediterranean diet may provide potential relief to individuals experiencing PTSD symptoms”.