The S&P Challenge. Just do this with me for a couple of weeks.

From now until the end of August, I want you to do some amount of situps and some amount of pushups every day. It’s something we do in my house, and are encouraging our corporate groups to do as well. 

Follow @willclower

Do you have to wear spandex? 

Do you have to go to the gym? 

Do you have to buy an abs blaster? 

You don’t even have to grunt and sweat! Just be consistent and do your S&Ps one time per day. 

How many? 

That is totally up to you. If you can only do 10 pushups now, start with 10. I started w 25. If you can only do 20 situps now, start with that. I started with 25. 

Give it, seriously, 10 days and the pushups get easier, the situps get easier, and you start having more energy in your day. When it’s comfortable for you to add a couple more, do that and let us know. 

Ain’t nobody got no time for that!

Actually, that’s the great thing about this challenge. It takes almost no time at all. For me, I do this right after morning coffee and requires all of 90 seconds out of my life.  NINETY SECONDS. 

That’s nothing. 

Plus, you don’t have to travel, and you do it right in your floor.  

To make sure you follow through, get your person to do this with you. Spouse, friend, or your kids. Make it “a thing” where they remind you to do your S&Ps and you remind them.

How long? 
Add your S&Ps each day until September 1. Come back here and write what change it has made for you. 

This is easy. It’s quick. And it’s effective. Grab the low hanging fitness fruit. 

For more information: Click here to visit Will Clower’s website.

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