This Summer’s Recipe? Baking Your Own Organs In This Heat
I’m just really glad that global warming is a hoax! Whew!
Because if the melting ice caps that aren’t really melting, and the receding mountain ice packs that aren’t really receding, and the increasing average temperatures that aren’t really increasing … were really real … can you imagine how hot it WOULD be then?
Even as it is, under the fake warming conditions, this summer’s turning out to be dangerously hot. And the outcome for you is that your INTERNAL temperature can ramp up, which essentially bakes your organs.
I don’t eat internal organs … eww. Just can’t do it. Baked, fried, stewed, whatever. Gross.
In any case, a normal body temperature is around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, but heatstroke can turn your body temp up to 106 degrees Fahrenheit or higher … in just 10 to 15 minutes. That’s like spiking a massive, time-to-go-to-the-hospital fever, just by stepping outside.
So what happens when you bake your brain and other organs?
Well there is that whole death or permanent disability thing (if not treated immediately). “When you have the kind of heat wave that we’re having now, we start to get worried,” said Dr. Janyce Sanford, chair of emergency medicine at the University of Alabama, Birmingham.
They worry because of the data
And then there is heatstroke, which is the most life-threatening. Heatstroke resembles heat exhaustion but may additionally involve neurological symptoms such as confusion and dizziness, or even coma. The body can no longer sweat, and internal temperature skyrockets.
Bottom line? Don’t bake your own organs. They are much better when stored at normal body temperature.