Can Sodas to Lower Blood Pressure

Got a blood pressure problem? Stop drinking sodas.

I love this quote (through Reuters) from the American Heart Association, because it doesn’t mince words: “Too much sugar not only makes people fatter, but is also a key culprit in diabetes, heart disease and stroke.”

The researchers pointed out that you also lose weight when you Can Sodas, and that can account for some of the blood pressure improvement, but not all.

Look. I could tell you to take a pill for your elevated blood pressure (and my lawyer-induced disclaimer is always that you should do what your freakin’ doctor tells you to do), but that won’t fix the problem if you’re just making it worse by drinking sodas.

So stop drinking them. They’re bad for you. Can’t get any clearer than that.

Fewer sugary drinks may lower blood pressure: study
| Reuters

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