Bad sailing day
This is captain Carla (in silouette). She took us out of the harbor so
we could get going. It was 1:00 by the time we cleared their customs.
Mary and Joseph, you have to clear customs with each of these little
We decided to go to the French side of the island because the food is
said to be better — no duh, better than Dutch food? That's not EVEN a
fair fight!
It rained and the winds were pathetic. It, honestly, didn't matter
because we were outside on the water on a boat, reading a waterproof
map in my "safety red" gortex rain gear (do you know that they
Actually make gortex foul weather gear in colors like … Sea blue …
Just in case you get knocked overboard and don't want to be recognized
by anyone).
Dinner was at an ocean side reggae rib bar, Carib beers, plantains,
beans and rice. The old men were dancing to the live music.
The sky cleared. The sunset peaked through. My mouth scorched with the
Calypso Sauce. It was iconic.