How To Screw Up Your Diet

Americans face every January with renewed resolutions to fight the fat, battle the bulge, handle the love handles. And yet, every year the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tell us that our obesity rates are increasing.

What’s wrong with this picture?

We are either the very definition of insane – doing the same thing each year and expecting a different result – or perhaps we just need to turn our thinking upside down regarding these annual New Year’s resolutions.

Think about this logically. We subscribe to the new “Top Ten Tips” for living a healthy life every single year, and fail and flail each time. So for 2009, let’s apply a little reverse psychology. This year, let’s try to really screw up our diets. If we – in typical fashion – fail to keep these resolutions, we’ll mess up “the screw up” and, voila, end up healthy!!

I love logic.

So over the next 10 days, I’m going to give you my “Top Ten Tips” for royally screwing up your diet in the coming year, with my deepest hopes for you that you will give them your very best efforts … and fail miserably!!

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