Raw Foods, In the Raw
It’s funny. The visibility and growing popularity of “Raw Food” presents a problem for its adherents.
It’s kind of like my son, who was into indy rock, from independently produced garage bands that had something novel and truly interesting.
Once people realized how fresh it was (and its economic potential!), many more people wanted to standardize, homogenize, and replicate it. Suddenly, what started out pure and simple became complicated and remote from its origins.
With Raw Food, it is similar. Eating this way has morphed from a very intuitive notion: eat food in the form that is closest to the Earth.
But now we find many incarnations of raw and vegan strategies and complicated recipes and strictures about what FORM of vegan you are and how close you adhere to the lifestyle.
Simpler, however, is always better. Just eat the real food you love, your body will be cleaner, and your head will be clearer!!