Dyes In Your Food

Food companies LOVE artificial colors. They are consistent, you can make them in industrial sized tanker truck loads, and because it has nothing to do with living things, it is not subject to changes in the environment or any messy crop fluctuations.

Made to eat, but unrelated to food.

The problem is that they can lead to health problems. In the Southampton Study, for example, researchers discovered that when children eat artificial dyes, they can become hyperactive.

Apparently, we needed a study to confirm common sense.

Nevertheless, the upshot is that food companies are responding to consumer concerns that eating synthetic ingredients cannot possibly be good for you, and are now turning to natural sources to color their products.

Natural colours now make up 31 per cent of the colourings market, compared with 40 per cent for synthetics. According to food industry watchers, “Natural colours are steadily increasing their market share, driven by the consumer trend towards all things natural and away from artificial additives.”

Furthermore, “natural colours will push synthetics into second position in sectoral terms in the medium-term”.

For you and I, this is great news, and should lead us to continue demanding more whole foods, local when possible, and as free as possible of processing. The more we ask for this, the more we will receive.

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