Summer’s New Miracle Drug!!

This summer, an incredible new drug has burst onto the market, representing a true miracle of modern nutrition science. Reports across a broad array of research journals confirm this wonder pill’s absolutely stunning health benefits with only minimal, quite acceptable, side effects.

Among its lengthy list of benefits, it slows aging. Experiments reported in the journal Nutritional Neuroscience have shown decreases in the common age-related declines in cognitive function. This is thought to occur because the incredible molecules packed into this single capsule defeat the cell damaging, DNA blasting “free radicals,” by providing the richest source of anti-oxidants known.

In fact, this chemical cocktail scored better than 40 fruits and vegetables in a recent study in the Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry, which measured the ability of molecules to absorb these dangerous oxygen radicals.

As if feeling younger weren’t enough, biochemistry studies by the Agricultural Research Service revealed that this single pill actually decreases the growth of cervical and breast cancer cells! Bolstering its dramatic health qualities, its producer has also added resveratrol, a potent anti-cancer agent. Epidemiologic and clinical studies consistently show that resveratrol may reduced cardiovascular disease, lower total cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol.

This one incredible drug is also an anti-platelet and anti-ischemic that improves the blood flow. Researchers speculate that this may occur in part through its unique ability, recently reported in the Journal of Nutrition, to increase the flexibility of your arteries.

Moreover, European research teams have shown how it improves night vision, and the New England Journal of Medicine reported that it even inhibits the bacteria that cause bladder infections! In addition to its impressively packed cache of antioxidants, anthocyanosides, bacterial inhibitors, vitamins A and C, carotenoids, and folic acid, there’s even dietary fiber added.

With such a stockpile of chemicals loaded into a single pill, one might raise concerns of unwanted chemical cross-reactivity. But no evidence has been produced to suggest that this is the case. The consumer has even more reason to cheer at its extraordinarily low price — a single dose costing mere pennies. And, in a truly novel innovation in drug delivery technology, the entire package comes with a pleasant sweetened taste, amply moistened and chewable to be safe for children.

Given these astounding results, the FDA has no hesitations in allowing this wonder drug access to mass consumption, and it’s now available over the counter, without a prescription, in the US and Canada.

You may even recognize its generic brand name: The Blueberry. Ask your doctor for details.

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