About Those Dietary Supplements
It’s clear at this point, mega-doses of regular supplementation, especially vitamins C, D and calcium, may put one at risk for health problems. This is not to say that we should not utilize supplements, but they do need to be taken under guidance from a medical care team.
For the general population, necessary nutrients can be attained from a diet that incorporates all the food groups. However, if you have a nutritionally treatable condition, supplementation may be required. Allow your health care professional to guide you on the type and dose.
For those following a vegan diet, supplementation of vitamin B12 is suggested (but mega-doses are not). Vegetarianism, when done correctly, would not require supplementation. However, sometimes low iron is a concern. Women of childbearing age are encouraged to supplement with folic acid to prevent neural tube defects.
But for the general population, if you eat a variety from all food groups, you can attain all necessary nutrients from your diet.