The “Share The Fun” Challenge: a crowd-sourced solution
We have all gone through so much over the past year, and what we are hearing from our groups is how much this confinement just wears you down and wears you out.
And now, it’s January with the long dreary winter months ahead, which doesn’t help at all. So we would like to propose a “Share The Fun” Challenge.
Share The Fun
Each of us has things we do in our own homes that are fun, comforting, or enjoyable. Whether that’s taking a moment to walk in the yard, simply step away from the desk, or play a game with the kids. If we could share those success strategies with each other, you might find that .
Here’s Your Challenge! (psst, it’s super simple!)
Think of the things you do in your day that are fun or enjoyable or even just peaceful. Reply to this article with your solution, and everyone will be able to share your fun in their own homes.
If we get enough of them, we will compile them into a FUN SHEET! and share this with everyone!
We are so excited to use this platform to get your solutions to everyone, and their solutions to you. Together we can do this!
Do find a word, play gami on the computer
Great suggestions! What word play games are your favorite?
Sit in the backyard and listen to the birds. So relaxing!
That’s perfect. There is so much data on the impact of being out in nature — on your heart and your mind, for your physical and emotional health!
Ride to the beach and sit and listen to the ocean waves.
What a great meditation that would be! So amazing to be close enough to get there, right?
We have a local pottery place that you can take the pottery home with some paint and paint the project. Then bring it back and they will fire it for you. It is a great way to support a local business and have some fun!
Love that idea, especially about supporting local businesses. I think the key would be to make sure you are safe when you go out to get, and then return, the pottery.
The more we learn about this virus, it seems, the scarier it gets!
Be well and be safe!
Have a dance party with your kids. Teach them how to dance, or learn from them just make it fun and they will be smiling the whole time
Dance parties are awesome!! Even with us, living on the boat, we would have something we called 4pm Dance Party, where we’d stop whatever we were doing, jump into the middle of the cabin and crank the positive up beat music.
Not only is that great for you physically, it’s great emotionally! Even better Angel, you’re showing your kids how to have fun 🙂
Great suggestion!
I have a table set up for puzzles, this keeps my mind busy and away from the everyday dreary cold I have found many friends doing puzzles we share them this way we have a constant flow of new puzzles.
Are these the jigsaw puzzles? When I have done these, they had such a calming effect because your focus and attention are on just one thing at a time. And in the end, you have a pretty picture!
I joined a group, Letters Against Isolation. I wish I would have found the group sooner! I write to seniors in order to combat senior loneliness. The seniors are in nursing homes, assisted living, independent living, senior centers, or associated with Meals on Wheels and do not write back. Letters / cards are to be hopeful, fun, and a reminder that they are thought about. I usually include a fun fact, a joke, and something I learned. I fold origami stars or hearts and put them in the letter / card.
Wow Janet. Just wow. This is such a beautiful thing you are doing, thank you so much for your kindness. I think I want to do a post just on this!