Are You Sitting On Your Brains?

It sounds funny to say that you are “sitting on your brains” but ­actually, being seated for long periods of time is harmful to our brain. This is because being sedentary for long periods of time, without movement, contributes to plaque buildup on artery walls.

Why is that a problem?

When those same arteries normally carry oxygen and nutrients upstairs into your central nervous system, but they need a clear pathway to do it. Otherwise those vital nutrients will never arrive. The pathway gets muddied when you don’t move through your day, and the arteries get coated on the inside like sludge.

Brain exposed showing blood vessles

Because of this, if oxygen and nutrients do not arrive to your brain cells, little areas of your brain can be starved and ultimately die. This amounts to lots of mini strokes that you never see or feel. However, what you may notice is the little memory lapses and slips that happen over time.

Ever had that happen? 

Activity Can Also Make Your Brain More Creative

Brain with Puzzle in Drawn Outline of Head
Daily activity helps your brain be more creative!

We have known for some time that being active can boost our thinking abilities, as well as our memory. But interesting new data suggest that being more active can also help us become more creative.

Maybe that is because activity can help reduce stress, or maybe it is because activity helps us clean our arteries so we can get more oxygen and nutrients to our brain cells.

Either way, it seems that the more we move, the more creative we can become!


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